Chapman Chinchilla Research, the Final Part 4 Now Live
Wild Chinchilla chinchilla (short-tailed chinchilla), captured on camera by Alejandro Pietrek

Chapman Chinchilla Research, the Final Part 4 Now Live
Wild Chinchilla chinchilla (short-tailed chinchilla), captured on camera by Alejandro Pietrek
'Setting New Standards Around the Globe' applies to more than quality standards. Standards of care are equally important. does not use breeding runs, breeding collars, or small commercial cages, which are vestiges of the pelting industry.
(pictured) White Mosaic Royal Persian Angora female chinchilla has been accepting bitcoin since the year 2017, as a means of offering international clients a convenient and inexpensive payment alternative.
(pictured l-r) co-founder and Chief Engineer! -image courtesy
Don't miss the Moon-Venus conjunction of March 2025
(pictured) Beige (violet carrier) Royal Persian Angora Female Chinchilla at 8 months of age. See additional pictures
Mathias Chapman Chinchilla Research, Part 3 Now Live
Like other living organisms, chinchillas are susceptible to a range of disease causing pathogens...
Purveyors of Fine Dragon-Cats, Since the Year 2000!
From dial-up to wireless broadband to Starlink ~ Join us as we Celebrate 25 Years as a global standard-bearer of quality and husbandry.
Contact if you would like to become an authorized reseller in your country
(pictured) Black Velvet G2 Royal Persian Angora chinchilla with 'ear tufts'
"...our ability to conceptualize higher dimensions - beyond the four we experience - suggests their existence." -Michael Pravica, PhD condensed matter physics, Harvard
Mathias Chapman Chinchilla Research
Part 2 Now Live
(pictured) Bunch grass, Andes Altipano desert, Chile
May 2025 Bring the World Hope and Peace!
'Ivanka' - Veruka's Heir Apparent - Ringing in the New Year!
Pink White G2 Royal Persian Angora Female Chinchilla at 8 months
Then and now - 072 'Eclipse'
Large Brevi-type Ebony (violet) G2 Royal Persian Angora Male Chinchilla
(above) Dec 16, 2024 @ 7mo ~ 780 grams
pictured June 13 @ 1 mo
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
Alles schläft, einsam wacht
Mathias Chapman Chinchilla Research
Part 1 Now Live
(pictured) Chilean Chinchilla lanigera
A rarity, just in time for Christmas
397 gram dwarf male chinchilla
In this season we "fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation, and to restore it..., to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union."
-Abraham Lincoln, Thanksgiving Proclamation 1963
Almost a century ago, Chapman Chinchilla drafted what is perhaps the first research study of the domestic chinchilla. This historic account will be published in four parts during the winter of 2024-2025.
'Angel' Ambassador and Brytin Supermodel
Now in Japan!
See additional pictures on,
or visit her on X
Litter mate siblings out of National 1st Place Blue Diamond female, just listed for sale.
Learn more about Blue Diamond chinchillas.
Light softly stirs, betwixt and between,
A fell Hunter’s Moon and nigh Hallow’s Eve
Happy Halloween 2024 from
The chinchilla pictured above weighs an impressive 1023 grams – even more notable for a recessive color mutation male. However, his condition is reflective of both his genetic potential and optimal living conditions
Dr. Jackie Cheung of Hong Kong shares his experience with the Locken chinchilla!
Read A Perspective on Lockens
The first homozygous Royal Persian Angora out of 'Veruka' to leave US shores, and being #2/5
See her grow up in pictures
(pictured) Wrap-around violet Royal Persian Angora kit @ 1 mo.
Respect for Life - raised without collars or runs
Original PSK Recessive Dwarf Chinchilla
(above) Historic photo of the original PSK mutant - circa 1995
This F0 mutant, a male, was born in approx. 1990 in Tehachapi, CA
Read more about Dwarf and Mini chinchillas
Visit the Sales Gallery to see more pictures
Look for a select group of chinchillas being listed in the Sales Gallery this August & September
Don't miss Pet Fair Asia 2024!
August 21-25 | Shanghai | Techlas booth E6N01
Brytin Professional Chinchilla Feed - Endorsed by
"In my 42 years of breeding chinchillas, I have never been as high on an animal as with the Violet."
-Lloyd Sullivan
Mr. X and the Violet Chinchilla, Part 3 Now Live
Seven years ago, the Royal Imperial Angora chinchilla made its debut on
Chinchilla Millennia was crafted by the accomplished New York miniature sculpture artist Barbara Scott-Fisher, to commemorate the Millennial year...
Simplicity in character, in manners, in style;
in all things the supreme excellence is simplicity.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
So on the night of October 5th 1975, 31 chinchillas left Rhodesia in a load of poultry...
After the 'Harvest Moon,' 'Eclipse'
The second Royal Persian Angora kit produced from this successful cross...
And the star-spangled banner forever shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
"Most of us are familiar with the romantic tales associated with chinchillas as recorded in history books, prior to the turn of the century. What many do not know is the intrigue involved..."
-Lloyd Sullivan
Mr. X and the Violet Chinchilla, Part 1 Now Live
Type, substance, quality & pedigree; when there's no room for compromise
TOV Beige ( Royal Persian Angora carrier ) female chinchilla
996 grams at 9.5 months of age