2010 Curly Chinchilla Naming Contest

The curly chinchilla mutation is relatively new. Initially imported into the United States from Germany in December of 2007, the gene appears to be ebony-linked. A chinchilla has to express ebony in order to express actual curls in the phenotype. The curly fur also appears in ebony hybrids like tans, and ebony and white mosaics. Breeding curly to curly results in even curlier fur in subsequent generations. Future development of the gene and new hybrids should prove to be exciting among hobbyist and show breeders worldwide. Beginning in 2010, a small number of the new curly chinchillas are being offered for sale on Chinchillas.com. However, this new mutation needs a name. We are asking chinchilla breeders and enthusiasts to suggest a name for the ebony-linked curly chinchilla. If we select your name, you will receive a stamped and numbered limited edition sterling silver Chinchilla Millennia VI miniature sculpture, mounted on a silver slider, created by New York artist Barbara Scott-Fisher.
Thank you for participating!
Curly Chinchilla Naming Contest Entries:
- Fuzzy Slippers - Aidan, USA
10/22/2010 5:15:40 PM
- Furled Ebony
10/22/2010 7:38:27 PM
- Furled Velvet
10/22/2010 7:38:45 PM
- Furled Wrap-Around Velvet
10/22/2010 7:41:41 PM
- Furled tan
10/22/2010 7:42:02 PM
- Furled furled white mosaic
10/22/2010 7:42:22 PM
- Furled white mosaic
10/22/2010 7:42:38 PM
- Furled solid sapphire
10/22/2010 7:43:01 PM
- furled sapphire
10/22/2010 7:43:11 PM
- furled tan and white mosaic
10/22/2010 7:43:28 PM
- furled angora
10/22/2010 7:43:44 PM
- Curly-Q
10/22/2010 8:51:50 PM
10/22/2010 10:08:41 PM
- Minipli-Chinchilla (is an especially kind of hair, means small curly) Rasta-Chinchilla Rex-Chinchilla Im from Austria, kind regards Michaela
10/23/2010 1:25:09 AM
- Ebon-Rex Canada
10/23/2010 1:41:54 AM
- obsidian Rex Canada
10/23/2010 1:43:30 AM
- The ewok mutation. So an ebony ewok... Scotland sends it''s greetings
10/23/2010 2:06:09 AM
- Curleb, The Netherlands
10/23/2010 2:47:40 AM
10/23/2010 2:50:17 AM
- Choodle US
10/23/2010 3:07:12 AM
- Chinchoodle (don''t you think it''s reminiscent of a poodle?) US
10/23/2010 3:08:55 AM
- Ebony Rizado : Spanish for curly. United States of America
10/23/2010 3:46:14 AM
- Afro
10/23/2010 5:20:35 AM
- Curly coated
10/23/2010 5:21:56 AM
- Chinnoodle - U.S.A.
10/23/2010 5:40:42 AM
- Curlychin United States
10/23/2010 7:17:31 AM
- The Ebony Furminator
10/23/2010 8:11:06 AM
- Lambchin
10/23/2010 8:12:01 AM
- Rex USA
10/23/2010 9:22:28 AM
- Indiana Jones - USA
10/23/2010 10:13:25 AM
- Spunkis-USA
10/23/2010 10:15:37 AM
- CurChins
10/23/2010 10:40:42 AM
- Dusters - USA
10/23/2010 10:46:14 AM
- Chinchilla crespita Canada
10/23/2010 10:47:15 AM
- Im from Texas, USA!!!! Hope I can put a few ideas here. Here they are: *Frizzed *Crinkled *Wound *Permed *Kinky *Ringlet *Wavy *sprial
10/23/2010 10:52:32 AM
- I love the curly mutation! The "Ebony Curl" could be the name of the mutation. I think you could treat it as the velvet and call any mutations with the curly gene a TOC or Touch of Curl. This chinchilla is beautiful and I can''t wait until they are available to small hobbyists and breeders. I would love to see what the Angora/Curl develops as.
10/23/2010 10:54:33 AM
- Spirillum United States
10/23/2010 10:57:34 AM
- Ebony Curl
10/23/2010 11:04:33 AM
- Fuzzle United States
10/23/2010 11:26:59 AM
- Gradient -- USA
10/23/2010 11:43:21 AM
- Chinpoo.......................because its fur looks like a poodle
10/23/2010 12:57:42 PM
- Fuzzy wuzzy
10/23/2010 12:59:37 PM
- Ebony Kurl The initials commonly used for ebony carrier are ec. Spelling curl with a "k" gives the mutation unique initials. Spelling curl with a "k" will make the mutation name unique.
10/23/2010 1:04:22 PM
- The person who submitted Ebony Kurl lives in the united states.
10/23/2010 1:07:26 PM
- lovelock
10/23/2010 1:33:47 PM
- Ringlet chinchilla Karakul chinchilla Curly Rex chinchilla Rex chinchilla Warm Hello to everyone from Ukraine:)
10/23/2010 2:13:12 PM
- Wooly Booly, San Diego, CA
10/23/2010 2:14:00 PM
- Black Sheep Chin, San Diego, CA
10/23/2010 2:14:17 PM
- Sherpa Coated Chin, San Diego, CA
10/23/2010 2:14:57 PM
- Curly Sherpa Coated Chin, San Diego, CA
10/23/2010 2:15:10 PM
- Lamb Chop Chin, San Diego, CA
10/23/2010 2:15:34 PM
- Eyelash Chenille, USA
10/23/2010 2:17:11 PM
- Chenille, USA
10/23/2010 2:17:16 PM
- "Wilson Rex" - after the breeders, stephanie and peter wilson, and "rex" because of the curly haird cat the Devon Rex.
10/23/2010 2:34:32 PM
- Fluffernutter Mutation
10/23/2010 3:19:00 PM
- from the USA: the "Lockig Ebonhoz" (which is german for "curly ebony")
10/23/2010 3:35:33 PM
- the woolly chinchilla /canada
10/23/2010 4:30:02 PM
- mutacion POM POM
10/23/2010 4:59:27 PM
- chinchurly united states
10/23/2010 5:07:24 PM
- The Frizzle Chinchilla! In the poultry world a chicken whose feathers do not lay flat is called a frizzle. This chinchilla reminds me of those frizzled chickens! From the USA!
10/23/2010 5:20:31 PM
- Oscuro Curled Chinchilla USA
10/23/2010 5:24:18 PM
- Afro-Ebony (or whatever color the curly manifests with) Chinchilla
10/23/2010 5:37:15 PM
- Bashful curlies
10/23/2010 6:21:38 PM
- Suri - USA
10/23/2010 8:50:06 PM
- Ebony Ringlet, Ebony Wave, Ebony Swirl, Ebony Twist, Ebony Scroll
10/23/2010 8:55:34 PM
- chincurleb usa
10/23/2010 9:19:43 PM
- Funky chinchilla,Wavy chinchilla, Funry waves chinchilla mutation,Karakul waves chinchilla.
10/23/2010 9:50:38 PM
- The Troy Polamalu! The Polamalu Curl!
10/23/2010 10:59:10 PM
- Aewsome Blossom North Carolina/USA
10/24/2010 12:14:24 AM
- boucle noir
10/24/2010 1:41:26 AM
- rex - curl ; ( Belgium)
10/24/2010 5:31:54 AM
10/24/2010 8:38:34 AM
- Tousle
10/24/2010 8:51:57 AM
- Ebony Curls
10/24/2010 12:12:36 PM
- Ebony locks
10/24/2010 12:13:05 PM
- Curly wool
10/24/2010 12:13:23 PM
- Kinky chinchillas
10/24/2010 12:13:49 PM
- Kinky curls
10/24/2010 12:14:06 PM
- Kinky curls USA
10/24/2010 12:14:54 PM
- Ebony curls USA
10/24/2010 12:15:17 PM
- Ebony locks USA
10/24/2010 12:15:36 PM
- Curly wool USA
10/24/2010 12:16:02 PM
- Kinky chinchilla USA
10/24/2010 12:16:40 PM
- fuzzed buzzed chinchillas USA
10/24/2010 12:18:28 PM
- Locken Ebony Chinchilla or Ebony Locken Chinchilla Locken is a german for curls..curly..
10/24/2010 12:42:20 PM
- Midnight Blue Rex Chinchilla
10/24/2010 3:22:32 PM
- Chinpaca St. Louis, MO. USA
10/24/2010 4:37:30 PM
- The ebony-linked curly chinchillas should be called rex. This would make sense since rex is what curly furred mice and rats are called. If the angora/curly babies work out, they should be called texel because that''s what angora rex mice are called. Using the same name for the same phenotype would be very convenient because then people who know about rats and mice will understand a bit about chinchillas, too.
10/24/2010 4:40:14 PM
- Reel Ebony
10/24/2010 9:54:17 PM
- Ebony Curl ("color of animal" curl - for other colts with the coat mutation)
10/24/2010 11:43:59 PM
- Royal Frizzy Coated I am from Finland
10/25/2010 1:32:08 AM
- poco rizado (It means ''''little curly one'''' in Spanish, one of the languages of the people of the Andes Mountains, where chinchillas are indigenous.) USA
10/25/2010 1:54:32 AM
- Black Diamond, Hong Kong
10/25/2010 2:31:37 AM
- Ebony Curl, Hawaii
10/25/2010 2:35:58 AM
- Frizzle - US
10/25/2010 8:37:13 AM
- the bouclé mutation
10/25/2010 11:19:24 AM
- Chinchapoo, because it looks like a chinchilla, with a poodles coat N.Y, USA
10/25/2010 11:30:18 AM
- Wooly (USA)
10/25/2010 1:20:08 PM
- Cocoa puff from the USA
10/25/2010 7:33:25 PM
- Phoenix
10/25/2010 9:13:06 PM
- The Permies Chinchillas (Permies--like in getting a permanent hair curl)
10/25/2010 9:58:41 PM
- Portia
10/26/2010 8:17:25 AM
- Wooly Ebony is my chosen name for mutation since it reminds me of a wooly Mammoth. I am from the Charleston, SC, USA.
10/26/2010 8:23:03 AM
- Lockenchinchilla (as used in Germany!)
10/26/2010 12:21:35 PM
- Curli-que, U.S
10/26/2010 4:22:04 PM
- Squigles I am from America
10/26/2010 5:39:44 PM
- Teddy Bear Chinchilla I''m from Taiwan
10/27/2010 7:57:42 AM
- poodle Chinchilla I''m from Taiwan
10/27/2010 7:58:54 AM
- Homo Maki or Hetero Maki United States
10/27/2010 11:15:46 AM
- charo.... Short, sweet and to the point. greetings from pittsburgh, pa.
10/27/2010 5:16:20 PM
- The Permies Chinchillas (Permies--like in getting a permanent hair curl)
10/27/2010 10:55:50 PM
- Royal Persian Angora Poodle,Malaysia
10/27/2010 10:57:54 PM
- ruffled rex curled. singapore
10/28/2010 2:24:16 AM
- permed chinchilla (mutation)
10/28/2010 2:47:55 AM
- Afro chinchilla (mutation)
10/28/2010 2:50:13 AM
- Fortuna`s Chinchillas
10/28/2010 11:06:29 AM
- Fortuna Curly Sheep
10/28/2010 11:29:07 AM
- Rex Chinchilla Fur (RCF)
10/28/2010 11:33:22 AM
- Fantastic Curly
10/28/2010 11:34:28 AM
- el mentón rizo United States
10/28/2010 12:23:43 PM
- could just call it the Rizo gene.... (Minnesota, USA)
10/29/2010 9:06:44 PM
- They kind of look like what some people call teddy hamsters..so I think they should be called Teddy Bear Chins!
11/3/2010 9:04:21 AM
- chinchilla rex
11/4/2010 7:53:16 PM
- chinchilla rex
11/4/2010 7:53:27 PM
- lockiges (German for "curly")
11/5/2010 11:02:23 PM
- Poodle ebony; or Teddy ebony; China
11/7/2010 2:14:05 AM
- Curly Veil; or Curly Velo (velo=spanish word for veil) from the United States
11/7/2010 9:59:25 AM
- Curly Quties, Curchins United States
11/9/2010 11:05:10 AM
- fraser mutation and i''m from canada
11/10/2010 10:20:46 PM
- "SupperCrispyFried" USA
11/12/2010 5:05:44 PM
- Plush-velvet Chinchilla
11/12/2010 8:07:19 PM
- Plush-velvet Chinchilla Canada
11/12/2010 8:07:47 PM
- velvet-Teddy Chinchilla Canada
11/12/2010 8:13:44 PM
- velvet-Teddy Chinchilla Canada
11/12/2010 8:14:00 PM
- Ebony Chinille Pouff, U.S.A.
11/14/2010 9:49:35 PM
- Gipsy.From Russia with love.:)
11/15/2010 8:07:26 AM
- Spiral, Malaysia
11/15/2010 11:21:48 AM
- Spring-loaded Ebony USA
11/15/2010 3:37:53 PM
- Black Ruffle USA
11/15/2010 3:38:47 PM
- Black Twirl, Black Wave. Russia.
11/16/2010 2:58:28 AM
- Black Lamb U.S.A.
11/16/2010 9:51:49 PM
- Perm chinchilla USA
11/17/2010 9:15:22 AM
- Crispian U.S.A.
11/17/2010 10:25:02 PM
- The Curly Chinchilla, recently there has been a new horse breed confirmed simply called the curly horse. keep it simple. Sara UK
11/18/2010 4:03:11 PM
- Corkscrew Ebony
11/18/2010 9:51:15 PM
- The RT Curl - Conjoining the initials of the breeders'' last names, since they started the gene pool. USA
11/22/2010 2:35:30 PM
- Ebony Rex (ER) - From France
11/23/2010 3:37:48 AM
- name: Teddy country: USA
11/24/2010 5:33:12 AM
- German-Diamond-Chinchilla i come from Germany
11/24/2010 3:29:04 PM
- "CHURLY" - U. S. A.
11/24/2010 5:19:43 PM
- American Curl
11/27/2010 11:45:48 PM
- Black velvet curly
11/28/2010 11:34:03 AM
- I would call this mutation the duster mutation. These chinchillas look like little dust busters. They are adorable! USA-Mississippi
11/28/2010 6:35:07 PM
- Lockiger Schwarz Chinchillas: German for "curly black"
11/28/2010 7:00:31 PM
- Lockiges Ebenholz chinchillas: german for curly ebony
11/28/2010 7:03:35 PM
- Sakrison Curly Charcoal
11/29/2010 7:17:23 AM
- ebony crimp
11/30/2010 1:12:02 PM
- REX! we do have rex rabbits, rex cats, rex rats and rex guinea pig I''m from Norway, Bergen
12/1/2010 11:20:28 AM
- Furby Fro ~ United States
12/1/2010 3:32:53 PM
- I don''t see mine on the list, but i think it should be called the Rizo gene..... Minnesota, USA
12/2/2010 2:58:54 PM
- cirrus mutation(curly clouds...latin), USA
12/4/2010 4:57:15 PM
- ChinChurly -US
12/5/2010 12:29:53 PM
- Swirly Curly
12/5/2010 12:34:32 PM
- ChurlyChilla, or ChinCurla
12/5/2010 12:36:24 PM
- REX - In Europe we use this name, don''t need another name for the same mutation. :) I''m writing from Hungary.
12/7/2010 3:24:00 AM
- I think that the new curly coated chin could be called the "German Curl", or a name that relates to where it origonally came from. I also like the idea that some stated about how it should be treated like a TOV, except a TOC. Ohio, USA
12/14/2010 3:46:47 PM
- Curly Furby
12/17/2010 3:33:20 PM
To view naming contest results, click here.