Chinchilla Color Mutation Percentage Charts

Below are a few examples of the more common color mutation crosses and the expected percentages of offspring that will carry or exhibit the various colors. Remember that these are overall averages, and that it is not unusual to find, for example, a heterozygous beige male that produces more of one color than another instead the expected percentages, just as it is not unusual to find a male that produces more offspring of one sex than the other.
Standard to Standard
- 100% Standard
- Standard to White
- 50% Standard
- 50% White
- Standard to Beige (heterozygous)
- 50% Standard
- 50% Beige
- Standard to Beige (homozygous)
- 100% Heterozygous Beige
- Standard to Black Velvet
- 50% Standard
- 50% Black Velvet
- White to Beige (heterozygous)
- 25% Standard
- 25% White
- 25% Beige
- 25% Pink White (White and Beige)
- White to Beige (homozygous)
- 50% Pink White
- 50% Heterozygous Beige
- White to Black Velvet
- 25% Standard
- 25% White
- 25% Black Velvet
- 25% White and Black Velvet Mosaic
- White to White
- >25% Standard
- 50% White
- 25% Lethal factor (no offspring)
- Beige (heterozygous) to Black Velvet
- 25% Standard
- 25% Beige
- 25% Black Velvet
- 25% TOV Beige
- Beige (homozygous) to Black Velvet
- 50% TOV Beige
- 50% Heterozygous Beige
- Beige (heterozygous) to Beige (heterozygous)
- 25% Standard
- 50% Heterozygous Beige
- 25% Homozygous Beige
- Beige (heterozygous) to Beige (homozygous)
- 50% Heterozygous Beige
- 50% Homozygous Beige
- Beige (homozygous) to Beige (homozygous)
- 100% Homozygous Beige
- Black Velvet to Black Velvet
- 25% Standard
- 50% Black Velvet
- 25% Lethal factor (no offspring)
- Standard to Ebony, Sapphire or Violet
- 100% Standard (Ebony, Sapphire or Violet carrier)
- White, Beige, or Black Velvet to Ebony, Sapphire, or Violet
- 50% Standard (Ebony, Sapphire, or Violet carrier)
- 50% White, Beige, or Black Velvet (Ebony, Sapphire or Violet carrier)
- Ebony to Ebony
- 100% Ebony
- Sapphire to Sapphire
- 100% Sapphire
- Violet to Violet
- 100% Violet
- Ebony to Sapphire
- 100% Standard (Ebony and Sapphire carrier)
- Ebony to Violet
- 100% Standard (Ebony and Violet carrier)
- Sapphire to Violet
- 100% Standard (Sapphire and Violet carrier)
- TOV Violet (Sapphire, Ebony) to Violet (Sapphire, Ebony)
- 50% Violet (Sapphire, Ebony)
- 50% TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony)
- TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony) to TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony)
- 25% Violet (Sapphire, Ebony)
- 50% TOV Violet (TOV Sapphire, TOV Ebony)
- 25% Lethal factor (no offspring)