TOV Violet Hybrid Chinchillas

(pictured) TOV Violet Chinchilla - heterozygous Gunning Black Velvet and homozygous Sullivan Violet
TOV Violet chinchillas are a Gunning Black Velvet and Sullivan Violet hybrid. Less commonly, they are sometimes referred to as ultra violets. Along with displaying the violet sheen, TOV Violets frequently exhibit the typical brevi-type characteristics of the Gunning Black Velvet. Sometimes difficult to differentiate from dark violets, TOV Violets can be identified by their absence of banding within the veil. Like most TOV hybrids, TOV violets can be slow to mature, but are worth the wait.
Like the Gunning Black Velvet, TOV Violets should have an unbroken grotzen, good veiling, and substantial conformation. They should have a distinct gradation from dark TOV violet on top, to violet on the sides, to a bright white belly. Additionally, like any quality chinchilla, TOV violets should have good density, texture, and clarity of color.
The TOV Violet is a useful breeding chinchilla, allowing the breeder to produce many interesting hybrids including TOV violet & white mosaics, TOV wrap around violets, violet & white mosaic Royal Persian Angoras, TOV beige violets, TOV tan violets, TOV blue diamonds, and nearly countless other Gunning Black Velvet & Sullivan Violet hybrid chinchillas.
Visit the Auction database to view additional pictures of violet, violet hybrid, and violet carrier chinchillas or see new chinchillas for sale in the Sales Gallery.