Royal Imperial Angora Chinchillas

(above) TOV Tan G3 Royal Imperial Angora with lion mane & (below) Ebony G3 Royal Imperial Angora chinchilla
In 2017, coined the term Royal Imperial Angora to describe a new mutation hybrid; specifically a homozygous Royal Persian Angora and heterozygous or homozygous Locken / curly chinchilla. The word Imperial was a nod to our Cantonese and Chinese clients, who were among the earliest devotees of the Lockens.
In March of that year, the first Royal Imperial Angora offered for sale to the public was listed on the Auction, subsequently selling for $4,000 USD.
Like Lockens, Royal Imperial Angora chinchillas can have a mild, moderate, or high degree of locken curl. Additionally, the Imperials must have some degree of ebony in the genotype in order to express the Locken curl in the phenotype. And following, features typical of the Royal Persian Angora like varying degrees of fur length, lion manes, and ear tufts, can also be present in the Imperials.
The Cantonese preference is for a wavy Imperial, as opposed to a tightly curled Imperial, due to the high maintenance commitment required by the latter.
Since its debut, breeders in Hong Kong, China, Europe, and the United States have produced many interesting and beautiful Royal Imperial Angora hybrids in a wide variety of colors.
Visit the Auction database to view additional pictures of Royal Imperial Angora chinchillas, or see new Royal Imperial Angora chinchillas for sale in the Sales Gallery.